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December, 2006
Meeting Information: No meeting in December The Holiday Social is December 9th for members and spouses only. Members have received information by email and phone. Seasons’ Greetings to all and we will see you next year. The tentative program schedule for 2007 is still a work in progress. At the November meeting the election of…
March, 2008
This month’s meeting will feature Sam Turner demonstrating the new project being used at the Cabrillo Middle School woodturning mentorship: laminated salt and pepper shakers. The second part of the meeting will be the annual swap meet. Bring your excess wood and unused tools for sale to club members. Ten percent of the sale price…
January, 2004
Meeting Information: Saturday, January 24 from 9:00 am to Noon Hands-on Workshop with emphasis on tools and sharpening at Russ Babbitt’s: The first meeting of the year will start us off with a teaching session for new, beginning, and advanced turners to share ideas, techniques, and mistakes we have made or will make. Four lathes…
July, 2010
Show & Tell Bring your latest project to share at the 24 July meeting. Ventura County Fair Entries must be submitted July 23-25. Contact Gary Toro to schedule your time in the club booth. The 2010 Fair is from Wednesday 4 August to Sunday 15 August.