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Business meeting – introduction of guests
Show and Tell table
Ron L.: Ceanothus yarn bowl and Rata pen blanks
John As.: Ginko leaves pattern carved in Manzanita sapwood and heartwood
David F.: Dyed bowl
Iron Bark Eucalyptus natural edge
Apricot natural edge
Mark R.: Fruit wood bowl
Jim R.: Bowl in a block
Multi-axis turnings, toasted wood block
Bryan R.: G clef incised, burnt, and filled with epoxy
Al G.: Three Norfolk Island Pine bowls with translucent oil finish
Lance P.: Norfolk Island Pine vessel
Sally Ault began demo with discussion of feet
Collection of feet by various turners
Sally showed slides of feet by various turners
One of many slides
Sally showed time-lapse video of Pat Kramer shaping feet on bowl
Sally’s turning tools
Plastic profile gauge for checking form relative to foot placement
Various grinding motors
Beginning her footed vessel project in Juniper wood
Hollowing the top cup – Juniper wood
Hollowing the base – to be carved into feet
Sally’s large collection of grinding points and microplanes
Cutting off center nub
Grinding out the center point
Cutting wheel used to define feet
Riobi reciprocating chisel
Flame shape burr grinder
Sanding tube
Using the diamond cut grinder tip
The larger sander
The smaller sander
Now starting the Sea Urchin Box project – step-by-step instructions covered in her handout
Urchin box examples
Examples of base and lid pieces – fan coral finial
Detail of lid example
Wrapping the urchin with foil and tape before injecting the foam
Sally likes the window foam because doesn’t expand excessively and break the urchin
Cleaning the foamer apparatus for future use
Mark R. training with Dave S. to operate the video control board
Marking out the needed segments from single piece of Purpleheart
The various segments and their tenons
Urchins injected with urethane foam and cured, ready for carving top and bottom holes
Urchin ready to be carved to accept cup
Preparing the cup piece
Hollowing the cup
Finished base top showing base tenon
Preparing lid
Preparing to turn base bottom held by base tenon and supported at first with tailstock
Undercutting base bottom
Take away tailstock and finish bottom of base
Polishing compound in wax base
Finished base – held by tenon
Wood raffle
Lee R. brought big load of Redwood
Measuring for center of urchin
Grinding hole for base
Grinding top hole
Shopmade template for checking hole centering (and foot layout)
Shopmade template for checking hole centering (and foot layout)
Fitting base
Glue in cup with 5-minute epoxy
Finial stock stabilized using Drozda point in Oneway type live center tailstock
Checking for finial base size and appropriate hole size in lid
Drilling the 1/4″ hole with drill in Jacobs chuck
Shaping the finial
Good shot of Drozda Point
Sizing tenon on finial using 1/4″ wrench
Finial fitted to top lid
Finished project
Finished project and example cup and top
Sally had five students for the Sunday workshop