Show and Tell items – there were at least three items on other tables not shown here
Show and Tell items – II
Show and Tell items – III
Craft Table: Gourd by Judy A., quilts by Nancy L. and Vicki H.
The seven Silent Auction items
Potluck: Nadine H. cuts the mmmmeatloaf
Dessert table
Sam T. presiding at the postprandial proceedings
Dave S. announcing the winners in the silent auction
Choosing the raffle winners for gift certificates
Gift certificates raffled off
In the back, our hosts Janice and David F.
Gift Exchange: Natural edge bowl to Maura S. from Chuck H. Maura got first choice of all gifts by draw of ticket.
To Chuck H. from Jim R. (The provider of the first gift chosen gets the next pick, etc. The danger is that the last person may get his own gift – it almost happened.)
Goblet to Jim R. from Jim W.
To Jim W. from Bruce B.
Music box to Bruce B. from Ray H.
To Ray H. from Terry K.
Platter to Terry K. from David F.
Scoop to David F. from Sam T.
Natural edge bowl to Sam T. from Al G.
Wave bowl to Al G. from Chrystal C.
To Chrystal from Bryan R.
Bubinga bowl-from-board to Bryan R. from Ron L. : (Not shown,) Podocarpus bowl to Ron L. from Joanne W.
Bracelet to Joanne W. from Maura S. (not shown); Olive oil to Darrel W. from Richie S.
Meeting Information: Saturday, January 22 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Hands-on Workshop with Mentoring Program at Russ Babbitt's: 4691 Calle Cancun, Camarillo 93012 Free Lunch provided to paid up...
Mentors Available The following list of members have offered to act as mentors to any member of the club who wishes to have hands-on instruction. This can be done at...