October, 2003

Meeting Information: Saturday, October 25th  

from 9:00 am to late afternoon with lunch

Hands On Session for Beginners and all skill levels

at   Russ Babbitt’s

(see below for more details about the meeting)

Since the last newsletter we have held two special demonstrations.  The first on September 20 featured Bill Haskell and his sculptural  multicentric faceplate turnings.  Approximately 25 members and guests were present for an excellent presentation by Bill.  Photos and comments about his technique are posted on the Bill Haskell Demo page. This was a fine example of local Southern California talent sharing their skills with other turners.  Thanks go to Dan Halpert for hosting the meeting and providing coffee; Sam Turner for the morning refreshments; David Frank for arranging lunch; and Russ Babbitt for doing the video taping.  In addition to Dan, David and Russ, Jim Rinde helped with the shop setup the weekend before the meeting.

The second special demonstration was just completed this past weekend on October 4th when Lyle Jameison presented an all-day seminar.  Photos and comments are posted on the  Lyle Jameison Demo page.  About 17 of us filled Chuck Stevenson’s shop to watch and learn from Lyle.  Three first-time visitors were welcomed: Jim Hillebrecht, Paulo Marin, and Phil Powell.  We look forward to seeing you all again at future meetings.   Special thanks go to Chuck Stevenson  and to  his daughter for making his shop and home available to us while he is away on a mission spending a year in Mozambique teaching and setting up a school system.   Al Geller and Jim Rinde led the organization for the demonstration, with Jim, Russ Babbitt and David Frank cleaning up Chuck’s shop and setting up for the seminar.  Chuck, your shop has never been this clean since you built it many years ago.  Al Geller and Martha Etchart provided the coffee and morning donuts; David Frank brought the sodas; Jim Rinde arranged for lunch; and Russ Babbitt again did his usual superb job of video taping with the TV repeater showing the close-up shots to perfection.  The Plexiglas safety shield that was tried out for the second time came in handy by preventing the front row audience from being soaked with water/sap from the very green wood that Lyle was using.  Thanks to everyone who stayed after the session and helped to clean up and put Chuck’s shop back into working condition.

Our club can take pride in providing local and internationally known teacher-turners for our local membership to learn from.  Program Chair Joel Oksner is in the process of making arrangements for next year.

Additional information for the October 25th meeting:  Four lathes will be available at Russ Babbitt’s shop for everyone to use.  If you have attended one of these events before you know it is one of the most popular meetings of the year.  In addition to the usual chance to get instruction in tool use and sharpening, Russ will have available the special tools we have discussed at previous meetings: Chatter work; Spiraling and Texturing; Piercing using the Foredom Electric and pneumatic rotary tools; deep hollowing tools (including the Jameison system – if you have a different system, bring yours and any special jigs ).  It is an opportunity to get hands-on-help with your questions on any woodturning technique (Russ will also state what he would have done if elected as Governor).  Russ invites all members and their guests to spend the day, all day if you wish, as his shop will stay open as long as the sun shines and the creek don’t rise.  A hot lunch (Russ’s specialty) will be served, all the more reason to attend.  We are asking for a $5 donation to help defray the cost of lunch.   Bring your own tools to use and get them sharpened, and some scrap wood to work on (or a special piece you want help with) .

We will have show and tell as usual so bring any new work you wish to share.  Also David Frank will be using a special photo setup to take pictures for the Gallery section of our web site so bring along several of your special pieces even if they aren’t new.

As requested, Martha Etchart has worked out the details for the gift exchange for the December Holiday Social that we have discussed at our last two meetings.  Each person who voluntarily chooses to participate would bring a (preferably recently) turned piece that they have signed and gift wrapped.  In exchange they will receive a numbered ticket.  At some point, after everyone has arrived, Martha will  randomly assign the corresponding numbered tickets to the wrapped gifts (taping them to the bottom of the gift out of sight).  And at the chosen time the tickets from the wrapped gifts will be exposed and the gift given to and opened by the person with the same number. There is no size constraint and it will be left to each person’s own preference for the type of work they do.  It is to be emphasized that if you choose not to participate in the gift exchange for any reason, you are more than welcome to attend the party anyway!

[Editorial comment (David’s): In terms of size, for example, it is easier for me to make a large bowl than do a small Tauga nut.  I  encourage even the “beginning turners” to bring something.  We want to emphasize that the gift should represent your  “current stage of work.”  My own collection does contain work by some internationally know turners (not necessarily the pieces I like the most) and also some work from unknowns which are excellent.  I have a turning by Mike Mahoney from over 10-15 years ago that he would probably rather have destroyed because it is not up to his current standard; it still has meaning to me.  I also have several pieces from members of our own club that range in skill but are meaningful to me just because I know them personally (and who knows, they may earn a national reputation in the future).  Give thoughtfully as the spirit moves you.  Receive thankfully in the spirit of accepting a meaningful gift.]

The November 22nd meeting will feature the second part of Jim Rinde’s  discussion on “Working with Epoxy” which he began late last year.  This  time he promises to actually turn something.  Also we will have election of officers for next year.

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