January, 2003
Meeting Information: Saturday, January 25th from 9:00 am to Noon
Sanding and Polishing Techniques
at Al Geller’s:
PLEASE note the information below on the SUNDAY February 23rd MEETING.
Our second annual Holiday Party on December 14th at Lynn and Al Geller’s was a great success with excellent food and conversation. The instant gallery was again the highlight of the evening. And we were able to surprise out going President Sam Turner with the presentation of a large turning blank of bocote wood. Incoming President Al Gellerthanked Sam for two years as our hardworking leader. The growth of the club is due in no small measure to his untiring efforts. Our thanks and appreciation go also to Barbara Turner for coordinating party arrangements for the second year and for putting up with Sam’s investment of time in the club. “Behind every great man is a better woman” (anonymous).
President Geller and our new program chair Paul Myhre announced that they have already made tentative arrangements for professional demonstrators for February (Alan Lacer) and October (Lyle Jamieson). Paul is hard at work on next year’s schedule and it should be ready for viewing at the January meeting.
The Club Collaborative Challenge committee led by Jim Rinde will have met twice by the next meeting and will report on the status of our plans for the AAW symposium in June.
If you have not yet paid your $25 dues for 2003, make your checks out to Ron Lindsay, and give them to him at the meeting along with the signed membership form. The full membership list will be printed and distributed at the February meeting. Also remember to join the AAW.
Sunday, February 23rd: Alan Lacer demonstration
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Lunch provided at Al Geller’s