December, 2004

Meeting Information: We have no regular meeting in December and will start again on January 22, 2005 with a Hands-On-Session at Russ Babbitt’s’ home.  Check back in early January for details. We are having our 4th Annual Holiday Social on Saturday, December 4th for Members and Spouses at 6:00 p.m. This is a potluck and…

January, 2003

Meeting Information: Saturday, January 25th  from 9:00 am to Noon Sanding and Polishing Techniques at   Al Geller’s: PLEASE note the information below on the                                                              SUNDAY     February 23rd MEETING. Our second annual Holiday Party on December 14th at Lynn and Al Geller’s was a great success with excellent food and conversation.  The instant gallery was…

October, 2003

Meeting Information: Saturday, October 25th   from 9:00 am to late afternoon with lunch Hands On Session for Beginners and all skill levels at   Russ Babbitt’s (see below for more details about the meeting) Since the last newsletter we have held two special demonstrations.  The first on September 20 featured Bill Haskell and his sculptural …

March, 2003

March, 2003

March 22nd Meeting: from 9:00 am to noon           Warren Brown: Cyma bowls Warren will show bowls at each stage of the process and has put together an excellent presentation which is not to be missed! at   David Frank’s         The March show-and-tell session will be particularly exciting since we didn’t have one last month and…

April, 2003

Meeting Information: Saturday, April 26th from 9:00 am to afternoon Hands-on-Turning and Teaching (see details below) at   Russ Babbitt’s Lunch will be provided (small donation requested) Member Warren Brown presented the program for the February meeting on making Cyma Bowls.  He brought bowls at different stages of development, and with the help of member Dan…

February, 2003

Meeting Information: Sunday, February 23rd from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Alan Lacer: Skew chisel, lidded boxes, and hooked tools at   Al Geller’s: see RSVP information below We welcomed guests Joel Oksner, Bruce Purvine and Bob and Larry Sands at our January meeting.  Joel and Bruce have already joined the club and we look forward…

May, 2003

May, 2003

Meeting Information: Saturday, May 24th from 9:00 am to Noon Surface Decoration at   Bob Pettit’s Bob will be teaching chip carving and other techniques. Remember to bring a chip carving or similar knife if you have one. The April meeting at Russ Babbitt’s was an outstanding success.  After welcoming two guests, Howard Ford and Joe…

November, 2003

November, 2003

Meeting Information: Saturday, November 22nd  from 9:00 am to Noon Working with Epoxy: Part II at   Jim Rinde’s: Last year in Part I, Jim explained the chemical aspects of epoxy and taught us the techniques involved in preparation of epoxy and wood turning blanks.  This year in Part II he will show us the techniques…

September, 2003

September, 2003

Meeting Information: Saturday, September 20th   from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm with lunch Bill Haskell demonstrating Sculptural, Multicentric Face Plate Turning at   Dan Halpert‘s (see below for more details about the meeting) At the August 23rd meeting Vice President Jim Rinde presided.  Thanks go to Sam Turner for bringing refreshments.   We decided to keep the …

July, 2003

July, 2003

Meeting Information: Saturday, July 12th   from 9:00 am to Noon Discuss AAW Symposium and future club events at   Russ Babbitt‘s (see below for more details about the meeting) Over 50% of our own members attended the AAW Symposium the last weekend of June.  Our participation began Thursday evening with the two lathes set up…

August, 2003

Meeting Information: Saturday, August 23rd   from 9:00 am to Noon Natural Edge Bowls: 101 at   David Frank’s 166 Estaban Drive, Camarillo, CA 93010 (see below for more details about the meeting) At the July 12th meeting President Al Geller led us in a discussion of our experiences at the AAW Symposium last month. Thanks…

June, 2003

June, 2003

NO Meeting in June We will be at the AAW Annual Symposium in Pasadena The next meeting is July 12th    The May 24th meeting was held at Bob Pettit’s home (Thanks Mary for the excellent brownies).    President Al Geller reiterated our participation in the AAW symposium June 26-29 were we will be responsible for…