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January, 2011
Mentors Available The following list of members have offered to act as mentors to any member of the club who wishes to have hands-on instruction. This can be done at the mentor’s shop or at the member’s home on their own lathe. It is an excellent way for beginning turners to quickly learn basic skills…
November 2017 – Hands On
Want to learn more about wood lathes and woodturning? A hands-on meeting is the perfect venue. Learn bowl turning, spindle work, woodturning tool sharpening, and more. CIW members can use the equipment. Everyone can watch, learn, and ask questions.
June, 2010
Per our agreement with the school, and due to the AAW insurance policy that covers our activities, only current members of the AAW will be allowed to use the lathes. Whether or not they plan to turn at this meeting, we strongly suggest that all members of Channel Islands Woodturners join the national AAW for the…
April, 2007
The April meeting features our club member Joel Oksner. He says, “The baby rattles I make are designed to “quickly” produce as many rattles as you need. The routine I use has evolved and continues to change from comments and suggestions made by members I have shown this system to. I will have handouts that…