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February, 2011
Future Events March 26, 9 am – 12 pm Photographing Your Woodturnings – Art Waldinger at Cabrillo Middle School President’s Message We had a great meeting in January with approximately 45 showing up, and we signed up four new members. Welcome Mimi and Phil Allin, Tim Burrett, and Cindy Zanotti. We also had over twenty…
October, 2006
Meeting Information: Saturday, October 14th, from 9 am to 4 pm Linda Salter: Segmented Turning At Levi Mize Woodcraftsman’s Shop 162 Aviador Street #17+18, Camarillo, CA 93010 Aviador Street is N. of the Camarillo Airport and is reached from the Central Ave. exit off of US 101: go S. and turn left on Ventura Blvd….
July, 2003
Meeting Information: Saturday, July 12th from 9:00 am to Noon Discuss AAW Symposium and future club events at Russ Babbitt‘s (see below for more details about the meeting) Over 50% of our own members attended the AAW Symposium the last weekend of June. Our participation began Thursday evening with the two lathes set up…
September, 2007
Note that our third Hands-On-Workshop for the year is on the 5th Saturday, one week later than our usual meeting day. As noted above in blue our agreement with the school and due to the AAW insurance policy that covers our activities only current members of the AAW will be allowed to use the lathes. …