June, 2011 – incl. David Springett

June, 2011 – incl. David Springett

President’s Message The presentation by David Springett stimulated the curiosity of a number of attendees. The simplicity of his woodturning methodology, combined with lively and fast moving presentation techniques, made the day move fast, very captivating, and thought provoking.  I think we’ll see work from the membership show up at future show-and-tell sessions. Prior to…

April, 2011

April, 2011

President’s Message The March meeting at Cabrillo was a good one in many respects.  We got to sit on chairs with backs, the “Toro Challenge” was a lot of fun, the show and tell brought out creative excellence once again, and Art Waldinger’s presentation was just outstanding.  As usual the luncheon at Mimi’s was well…

March, 2011

March, 2011

President’s Message Our February meeting was a good one, both in terms of participation and instruction.  We had 44 people in attendance including two potential new members.  Welcome, and I hope you will enjoy and participate in our club’s activities, and make sure to take advantage of the Mentor Program. Sam Turner demonstrated and provided…

February, 2011

February, 2011

Future Events March 26, 9 am – 12 pm Photographing Your Woodturnings – Art Waldinger at Cabrillo Middle School President’s Message We had a great meeting in January with approximately 45 showing up, and we signed up four new members.  Welcome Mimi and Phil Allin, Tim Burrett, and Cindy Zanotti. We also had over twenty…