Our new President Bruce Berger began the meeting by announcing the news that all of the details for holding our Hands-On-Sessions at the Oxnard High School Woodshop have been ironed out thanks to the instructor Chad Meyring and the school principal. There are 6 lathes in the shop and room for us to bring our…
Show & Tell Bring your latest project to share at the 24 July meeting. Ventura County Fair Entries must be submitted July 23-25. Contact Gary Toro to schedule your time in the club booth. The 2010 Fair is from Wednesday 4 August to Sunday 15 August.
Meeting Information: Saturday, July 22nd, from 9 am to 4 pm John Jordan: textured and carved hollow vessels At Levi Mize Woodcraftsman’s Shop 162 Aviador Street #17+18, Camarillo, CA 93010 Aviador Street is N. of the Camarillo Airport and is reached from the Central Ave. exit off of US 101: go S. and turn left…