NO Meeting in June We will be at the AAW Annual Symposium in Pasadena The next meeting is July 12th The May 24th meeting was held at Bob Pettit’s home (Thanks Mary for the excellent brownies). President Al Geller reiterated our participation in the AAW symposium June 26-29 were we will be responsible for…
The second hands-on session in a row at Russ’s home at the May 20th meeting was again a great learning experience for our beginning turners, and lots of fun for those of us doing the teaching. There is one more of these sessions scheduled for this year on Sept. 16th. Photos from the meeting are…
This month’s meeting will feature Sam Turner demonstrating the new project being used at the Cabrillo Middle School woodturning mentorship: laminated salt and pepper shakers. The second part of the meeting will be the annual swap meet. Bring your excess wood and unused tools for sale to club members. Ten percent of the sale price…