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July, 2010
Show & Tell Bring your latest project to share at the 24 July meeting. Ventura County Fair Entries must be submitted July 23-25. Contact Gary Toro to schedule your time in the club booth. The 2010 Fair is from Wednesday 4 August to Sunday 15 August.
October, 2003
Meeting Information: Saturday, October 25th from 9:00 am to late afternoon with lunch Hands On Session for Beginners and all skill levels at Russ Babbitt’s (see below for more details about the meeting) Since the last newsletter we have held two special demonstrations. The first on September 20 featured Bill Haskell and his sculptural …
August, 2004
Meeting Information: Saturday, August 28th from 9:00 am to Noon Hands-on Workshop with emphasis on teaching tool use: we will have 4 lathes set up and a specific teaching program is planned for new turners. at Russ Babbitt’s Note that this meeting is not at Levi Mize’s Shop: we will return there next month….
September, 2007
Note that our third Hands-On-Workshop for the year is on the 5th Saturday, one week later than our usual meeting day. As noted above in blue our agreement with the school and due to the AAW insurance policy that covers our activities only current members of the AAW will be allowed to use the lathes. …