Meeting Information: Saturday, September 20th from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm with lunch Bill Haskell demonstrating Sculptural, Multicentric Face Plate Turning at Dan Halpert‘s (see below for more details about the meeting) At the August 23rd meeting Vice President Jim Rinde presided. Thanks go to Sam Turner for bringing refreshments. We decided to keep the …
Happy Holidays! No meeting this month. We held our 3rd annual Holiday Social on December 6th with the instant gallery and the voluntary gift exchange. Photos and more information will be in the January 2004 Newsletter. The next regular meeting is January 24, 2004 The November 22nd meeting was hosted at Jim Rinde’s and President…
The hands-on-turning session at the January 19th meeting was well attended with mostly our newer members wanting the chance to work with mentors on their turning skills. It is that time of year for new and continuing members to pay their club dues of $25 to treasurer Ron Lindsay. Please mail them to him or bring…