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November, 2006
Meeting Information: Saturday, November 18th Hands-on Workshop with Mentoring Program at Russ Babbitt’s from 9:00 am to ? with Lunch ($5 donation requested) Bring your own tools and face mask so you can practice with your own tools and learn to sharpen them. If you don’t have any yet you can borrow ours. Note that…
November, 2007
Note that the November 17th meeting is one week earlier than usual due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Member Al Geller will demonstrate how he turns thin natural edge bowls. Al is an excellent demonstrator and accomplished turner so be sure to save the date. Election of officers for next year will also be held. Members…
April, 2014 Newsletter (incl. March – Ellsworth demo)
Vice President’s Message Our next meeting will be held at the Cabrillo Middle School classroom on Saturday, 26 April, from 9:00am to 12:00 noon. We will have Show n’ Tell and a Wood Raffle, so please bring your latest woodturning to show us and any wood that you wish to donate to the Raffle. Our…