April, 2014 Newsletter (incl. March – Ellsworth demo)

Vice President’s Message

Our next meeting will be held at the Cabrillo Middle School classroom on Saturday, 26 April, from 9:00am to 12:00 noon.  We will have Show n’ Tell and a Wood Raffle, so please bring your latest woodturning to show us and any wood that you wish to donate to the Raffle.

Our program this month is on “Cracks”.  Robert Mitchell and Richard Scarborough will lead a discussion on different ways to address cracks that develop in bowls during the drying process. Do you fill with crushed stone, sawdust, metal shavings, epoxy or glue?  What happens when you come across a void?  Do you fill it or leave it alone?  We will show how easy the Butterfly & Biscuit patch can be done on a bowl.  Hopefully we will show you some ideas you have not thought of.

IMPORTANT: We want this program to be interactive, so please plan to share your thoughts on this subject.  Bring a bowl that cracked and show us what you did to address the problem. We all learn from what others have done. So bring something to share.



Our annual Summer Potluck Picnic will be held on Saturday, 12 July.  It will be held at Jim Word’s church in Ventura.  Please plan to attend.  Chuck and Nadine Hiatt have volunteered to organize the potluck food.  We need volunteers to help set up the tables and chairs before the Picnic and take them down and clean up afterward.  We’ll pass around a sign up sheet at the next meeting, so please consider if you can volunteer to help.  Thanks.



As we have done for many years, Channel Islands Woodturners will give demonstrations turning colorful finger tops at the Fair again this year.  This is our best opportunity to get community exposure and we also raise several hundred dollars in donations to our Cabrillo Middle School Tutoring program.  Mark Evans did a great job overseeing this activity last year and has graciously volunteered to organize it again this year.  The Fair will run this year from WEDNESDAY, 30 JULY – SUNDAY, 10 AUGUST.  So, mark your calendars and plan to sign up for a few demo sessions at our booth.  It’s a great experience!  Even if you’ve never turned a finger top, we will have a tutoring session before the Fair where you can learn how.


VP Dave Stallard

for Chuck Hiatt now cruising the world.

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