August, 2011 – VC Fair, Party

President’s Message

It is hard to believe August is here and almost gone, soon it will be cool again!

Our meeting this month will be at Cabrillo Middle School, Saturday August 27 at 9:00 A.M., please bring your chairs or plan to sit on the stools.

Those who attended the Club’s summer potluck got to enjoy Eileen and Jim Rinde’s hospitality, eat delightful food, drink exquisite wine, and admire the excellent work presented during the show-and-tell while learning more about our fellow members and perhaps creating new friendships along with their significant others.  Many thanks to Eileen and Jim and to all others who in some fashion contributed to a beautiful and most enjoyable evening.  During the event, the Club was fortunate to collect nearly $400 in donations from our generous members in attendance. The money will be used to supplement the procurement of a Powermatic lathe to be used in the Cabrillo Middle School Educational Program and during demonstrations in our meetings.

Talking about this Club Lathe: Wendy and Bill Boettcher – the owners of Woodcraft in Ventura – have very generously offered a super donation to the Club, toward a brand new Powermatic lathe, complete with all its typical accessories, plus a Oneway Stronghold chuck with #1, #2 and #3 jaws, delivered to the school.

If we were going to purchase the same equipment in the open market, the Club would have to pay something in the neighborhood of $4,500 plus freight.  We can obtain the lathe and chuck if we can raise an additional $500.

As we write this message, the Lathe Fund has $1,000 from AWW, $1000 from the Club’s Treasury, and approximately $500 from member donations for a total of $2,500.  I am asking all of who have not already contributed, and who can afford to contribute, to please do so.  You may either send your check to our Treasurer, Ron Lindsay at 1795 Lyndhurst Ave. Camarillo, CA 93010, or simply bring your contribution to the next Club meeting.  We need to raise an additional $500 to get this lathe.

See you Saturday, August 27 at Cabrillo Middle School



For photos of the July Summer Potluck at the Rinde’s see below.

For photos of the VC Fair Woodturning judging results see below.

For photos of the fair displays and booth activity taken 13 August see below.


Mentors AvailableThe following list of members have offered to act as mentors to any member of the club who wishes to have hands-on instruction.  This can be done at the mentor’s shop or at the member’s home on their own lathe.  It is an excellent way for beginning turners to quickly learn basic skills and safety and for more advanced turners to develop new ideas and skills.  Using your member roster, give any mentor a call to arrange a time.  If you don’t have your roster or want to add your name to the mentor list, give the newsletter editor a call.Each mentor can teach basic skills; some have also listed specific topics in which they are especially interested or have more advanced skills.Bruce Berger         Any topic including segmented turningWarren Brown       Any topic

David Frank            Any topic

Al Geller                   Open form bowls, natural edge bowls, bowl design

Ron Lindsay           Any topic including hollow turning freehand

Jim Rinde                Anything to do with using and turning resins, turning goblets, hollow turning with a boring bar with/without a laser

Herm Ross              Miniatures; tool making and metal work

Chuck Stevenson Basic turning; he is learning to do segmental work

Gary Toro                Anything you want to make

Sam Turner             Any topic (if he doesn’t know how, he will learn it with you)

Questions and Answers (Q&A)This is a regular feature of the monthly Newsletter.  Send your questions to the newsletter editor, Ron Lindsay,  He will forward each question to our panel of experts.  We will get answers to each question from at least two of our experts and publish them in a future newsletter in this Q&A section.Question:***

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