April, 2007
The April meeting features our club member Joel Oksner. He says, “The baby rattles I make are designed to “quickly” produce as many rattles as you need. The routine I use has evolved and continues to change from comments and suggestions made by members I have shown this system to. I will have handouts that explain each step of the process, why I use the size stock I do, what finish I use (and why) and why I use the glue I have chosen. All-in-all, I hope this demo will leave each of you with a basic plan that you might use or modify to your own needs.”
President Bruce Berger, started the meeting with reviewing our February hands-on meeting at the Oxnard High School. We are planning on helping to fine tune their machines, assemble the WoodFast that the students have made a cabinet for, and arrange to have more of our own machines brought to the next hands-on session so that more people will have a chance to turn. Remember you must be a member of AAW to use the lathes.
The March meeting was well attended with a great Show-N-Tell session and a raffle of two Glaser mini-g tools donated my member Paulo Marin. More of these tools will be raffled at subsequent meetings along with gift certificates that are given to the club.
Program Chair Joe Levy has finished putting together an exciting program for the rest of the year with three professional demonstrators on the schedule. Also our shop host Levi Mize will be demonstrating Fluting on the lathe in July.
Judy Grange and Russ Babbitt have updated the club’s library of loan books and videos and devised a numbering system to make it easier to keep track of what is available and what has been signed out. Check the new Loan Library page which now has our inventory sorted by author, title and subject. Thanks Judy for bringing order out of chaos.
Below are photos from the meeting. This month’s demonstration on Epoxy by Jim Rinde is on an Epoxy Project page with photos and a descriptive write-up by Gary Toro and photos byRon Lindsay. Jim’s article from the Spring 2005 issue of the AAW Journal are also there.