November, 2003
Meeting Information: Saturday, November 22nd from 9:00 am to Noon
Working with Epoxy: Part II
at Jim Rinde’s:
Last year in Part I, Jim explained the chemical aspects of epoxy and taught us the techniques involved in preparation of epoxy and wood turning blanks. This year in Part II he will show us the techniques he uses in turning his composite bowls, boxes and goblets (examples shown here).
Note that we will also elect officers for 2004.
And you can pay your 2004 dues, so bring your check book.
At the October 25th meeting we enjoyed the presence of 27 members and guests. Welcome to our five newest members who joined at this meeting: Barbara Esposito, Bernie Huberman, Paulo Marin, Jim Merchant, and Kevin Merchant. The Merchants are grandson and son of long time member Les Merchant, who has hooked his family on woodturning. Name tags for these and our other recent members are being made and will be ready for presentation at the November meeting.
Ron Lindsay gave the treasurer’s report: we are solvent after paying the expenses associated with the two recent demonstrations with Bill Haskell and Lyle Jameison. Joel Oksner continues to work on next year’s program and would welcome input from members on topics they what to have presented. Librarian, Russ Babbitt, reports that several video tapes from the lending library are missing or long over due. If you have any of these on your bookshelves now please return them: A Basic Bowl on the Lathe – Raffan; Basic Off Centre Turning – Stott; David Ellsworth Demo: Natural Edges and Hollow Forms – Stott; The Skew Chisel – Batty; Turned Boxes and Other Projects – Klein; Turning Between Centers – White; Turning Unusual Materials – Klein; The Pen Turning Manual – Hutt.
Russ is highly recommending the latest video addition to our library: Woodturning-Getting Started Right, by Alan Lacer. “This excellent video covers all the basics of getting started and takes the turner or would be turner through a description of lathes; buying a lathe; types of tools; buying a basic set of tools; sharpening the various tools; and accessories such as drive centers and chucks. From the way this video is presented”, Russ continues, ” I think we can see that the next video from Alan will be on the use of woodturning tools. This is a must for all beginners, and also for those of us who think we know what we are doing.” See our page Alan Lacer February 2003 for photos of him in action.
Past-president and Chair of the Nominating Committee, Sam Turner, presented the slate of officers for election at the November 22nd meeting; Jim Rinde – President; Mike Mowery – Vice president; Ron Lindsay – Treasurer; Joel Oksner – Program Chair; Russ Babbitt – Librarian; David Frank – Newsletter editor. Other names may be nominated by the members at the meeting prior to the election (only with the consent on the person nominated).
Mike Mowery reported that the DIY cable channel had a program on woodturning which featured shots of the AAW Symposium in Glendale and showed photos of our Trebuchet.
After our show-n-tell session which featured a portable photo studio (see the pictures below), we recessed to the main topic for this meeting the Novice-Beginners hands-on-session. With four lathes going continuously and the special carving tools that Russ had set up, everyone found something to do or to teach. It is this sharing of talents and exchange of ideas that makes the Channel Islands Woodturners so rewarding an organization to belong to. Thanks to Russ Babbitt for hosting the meeting and to Russ and toDoug Eaton for cooking lunch. The BBQ bratwurst and sides of cold salads was excellent.
President Al Geller announced that the 3rd annual Holiday Social will be held at his home on Saturday, December 6th at 5:30 p.m. Please save the date. This is a great party where we get to show off our turnings to our spouses and enjoy the fellowship of shared interests and diverse backgrounds. All members and spouses or significant others are invited and Barbara Turner will be calling you to RSVP. Sign up for your potluck offering and indicate if you plan on participating in the voluntary gift exchange. Martha Etchart will be coordinating this part, and the details are posted in last month’s newsletter (see the middle of the page). Al emphasized that participation in the gift exchange is voluntary. We want you at the party even if you choose not to be a part of this exchange. The Party will also feature our instant gallery (please limit your contributions to two items this year).
Items from the October Shown and Tell included: