• Allan Batty's tools - made for travelling - single handle
  • Two guests and two new members
  • Allan explains shapes for the skew
  • Cutting a furniture foot off center in pine
  • Completed foot - note use of Steb center
  • Allan uses this parting tool with only one side sharpened
  • dsc07216
  • Demonstrating skew cuts -  black surface accentuates the edge for the demo
  • dsc07222
  • When he steps out in front of the lathe a joke is coming
  • Finished skew demo piece in pine
  • Making shavings in Maple
  • Hollowing
  • Forming a jam chuck to hold the Maple bowl
  • Showing how to make a snap-on chuck
  • Layout lines for a double twist
  • Laying out a tapered twist
  • Completing the layout lines with colored pens
  • Cutting the twist with Shureform file (microplane)
  • Finishing with sandpaper
  • dsc07265
  • Completed inside thread in English Boxwood
  • Chasing the external thread to match the inside thread
  • The Boxwood annual rings are barely visable - piece could be over 100 years old
  • Completed external thread
  • Explaining column entasis and the tool for the "escape ramp" groove

Past Events

Allan Batty Demo – 9 January 2010

President’s Corner – Steve Leblanc

Channel Islands Woodturners Art Show


Proverbs Coffeehouse, Peace Lutheran Church, 71 Loma Drive Camarillo, CA.


Three weekends in March:
Opening: Saturday March 13
Friday-Saturday March 19-20
Friday-Saturday March 26-27


You may submit up to three turned works for consideration to be entered in the show.
  All entries must be submitted by Saturday February 27th.
All pieces will be “For Sale”. We can help you with pricing your turnings.
More details will follow in the coming weeks.


Contact: Steering Committee Members:
Stephan Case-Pall  491-3660
Joel Oksner  443-0270

Resolution Month

January is traditionally resolution month.  Resolve in 2010 to learn a new skill or technique in your woodturning repertoire.  If you need any guidance, remember we have club members who are volunteer mentors to provide you instruction.  You can find them listed on our web page at http://www.channelislandswoodturners.org/officers.htm.  I am resolving to learn to form threads and make a hollow form this year, two techniques I have never attempted before.

Show & Tell

We will be having Show & Tell.  Because we have not had a Show & Tell since the October meeting, I’m sure you have lots to share, so bring in you latest projects.

2010 CIW Board

Please join me in welcoming your CIW Executive Board for 2010

President: Steve Leblanc
Vice-President: Bob Fahrnbruch
Treasurer and Membership: Ron Lindsay
Program Chairs: Jim Rinde & Jim Word
Librarians: Judy Grange & Chrystal Craver
Newsletter: Ron Lindsay
School Mentoring Program: Al Geller

We rely on your continued support and thank you for your confidence in managing our club.
