January 24 Betty Scarpino
9:00am to 4:00pm. Fee $35. Lunch included.
Betty Scarpino is a turner, sculptor, printmaker, writer, teacher. Discussion of what is art and discovery in the design process. Copyrights in the art world. Construction of an egg, candlestick and a pod form and their enhancement. www.bettyscarpino.com
February 28 Kelly Dunn
9:00am to 4:00pm. Fee $35. Lunch included.
Kelly Dunn, a turner from the big island of Hawaii. Projects are a translucent Norfolk pine bowl, a side grain bowl and a calabash bowl. Kelly will discuss drying, curing and finishing of wood turnings. www.kellydunnwoodturner.com
RSVP to (805) 987-8714 or treasurer@channelislandswoodturners.org Bring your $35 to the meeting.
March 1, Sunday
Kelly Dunn’s all-day work shop class for 6 turners. Pre-registration required. Fee $120. Projects are the same as for the demo. Kelly is supplying the pine.
March 28 Sally Ault
9:00am to noon. No Fee.
Sally Ault, a wood turner from San Diego. The subject of the demo is lidded boxes and their embellishments. www.sallyault.com
April 25 John Ascheman
9:00am to noon. No Fee.
Guided tour of our newly remodeled website.
John Ascheman, a member of Channel Islands Woodturners, presents “The Router and the Lathe” demonstration.
May 23 Scott Lehman
9:00 to noon. No fee.
Scott Lehman, Cabrillo shop teacher, presents shop safety. Procedures for reducing risk at the school wood shop and in your own shop. Correct use of equipment including table saw, band saw, bench grinder, dust control and air filter systems.
June 20 Brad Adams This meeting is a week early to avoid the AAW Symposium.
9:00am to 4:00pm. Fee $35. Lunch included. RSVP to (805) 987-8714 or treasurer@channelislandswoodturners.org First 10 members to respond are entered in a drawing for Craft Supplies certificates. Bring your $35 to the meeting.
June 25 to 28
29th Annual International Symposium of the American Association of Woodturners in Pittsburgh, PA. http://www.woodturner.org
July 11 Summer Picnic
6:00pm at Church of the Foothills, 6279 Foothill Road, Ventura. A pot-luck party for members and spouses. Bring your turned pieces for Show and Tell.
August 6 through August 15, 2015 Ventura County Fair
“A County Fair with Ocean Air” at the Ventura County Fairgrounds. Channel Islands Woodturners operate a booth to demonstrate woodturning and give finger-spinning tops to fairgoers. Members pieces are on display and entered to be judged.
August 22 Hands – On
9:00am to noon. No Fee.
One-on-one training for club members in the Cabrillo Middle School Woodshop. Learn to sharpen your tools and your skills with help from our experienced woodturners. Paid members of CIW and AAW may operate the machines including 6 lathes. Everyone is welcome to watch and learn.
Photo booth. Bring your favorite turnings to be “professionally” photographed for our website gallery.
September 26 Al Geller
9:00am to noon. No Fee.
Member, Al Geller, will give a presentation on Design and Surface Embellishments. Al is an accomplished turner and will address ways to find inspiration for turnings, methods of using standard tools for embellishment, and tools and techniques for more complex surface enhancements. Al, who is our Community Outreach Chairperson, will also lead us in a discussion on entering works in the Ventura County Fair. He will discuss the Fair judging criteria and ways to achieve better results.
October 24 John Wells
9:00am to noon. No Fee.
John Wells (wellsturned.com), a northern California turner, will provide a three hour demonstration of his craft. John creates a range of items including bowls and architectural turnings, some of which may be experienced at the Venetian Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. The focus of John’s presentation will be on spindle turning.
November 21 Bruce Berger
9:00am to noon. No Fee.
Our own Bruce Berger will be our guest demonstrator. He will show us some of the techniques that have resulted in his current acclaim as a world-class practitioner of segmented turning. Bruce will demonstrate how to make a bowl using “Stacked Lamination”. See some of his beautiful work at bruceberger.org.
To see prior year program schedules, click 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014