January, 2009

January, 2009

As noted above in blue, our agreement with the school, and due to the AAW insurance policy that covers our activities, only current members of the AAW will be allowed to use the lathes.  Whether or not they plan to turn at this meeting, we strongly suggest that all members of Channel Islands Woodturners join…

March, 2008

This month’s meeting will feature Sam Turner demonstrating the new project being used at the Cabrillo Middle School woodturning mentorship: laminated salt and pepper shakers. The second part of the meeting will be the annual swap meet.  Bring your excess wood and unused tools for sale to club members.  Ten percent of the sale price…

February, 2008

The hands-on-turning session at the January 19th meeting was well attended with mostly our newer members wanting the chance to work with mentors on their turning skills. It is that time of year for new and continuing members to pay their club dues of $25 to treasurer Ron Lindsay.  Please mail them to him or bring…

January, 2008

Note that our first Hands-On-Workshop for the year is on the 3rd Saturday, one week earlier than our usual meeting day.  As noted above in blue our agreement with the school and due to the AAW insurance policy that covers our activities only current members of the AAW will be allowed to use the lathes. …

November, 2007

Note that the November 17th meeting is one week earlier than usual due to the Thanksgiving holiday.  Member Al Geller will demonstrate how he turns thin natural edge bowls.  Al is an excellent demonstrator and accomplished turner so be sure to save the date.  Election of officers for next year will also be held.  Members…

September, 2007

September, 2007

Note that our third Hands-On-Workshop for the year is on the 5th Saturday, one week later than our usual meeting day.  As noted above in blue our agreement with the school and due to the AAW insurance policy that covers our activities only current members of the AAW will be allowed to use the lathes. …

July, 2007

July, 2007

Our featured demonstrator for the July meeting is Levi Mize.  He has been our host for the monthly meetings for the past several years in his professional, custom cabinet shop.  The large Vicmarc lathe in the shop is used for structural elements for his custom cabinets.  Levi also is an accomplished turner of bowls and…

May, 2007

Note that our second Hands-On-Workshop for the year is on the 3rd Saturday, one week earlier than our usual meeting day.  As noted above in blue our agreement with the school and due to the AAW insurance policy that covers our activities only current members of the AAW will be allowed to use the lathes. …

April, 2007

April, 2007

The April meeting features our club member Joel Oksner.  He says, “The baby rattles I make are designed to “quickly” produce as many rattles as you need. The routine I use has evolved and continues to change from comments and suggestions made by members I have shown this system to. I will have handouts that…

March, 2007

March, 2007

Our March meeting features member and past president, Jim Rinde.  Jim will speak on the use and abuse of epoxy resins in wood turnings.  Jim writes  “I have been using epoxy resins in my wood turning since 1988 (sometimes I have been successful and sometimes not). I started using them because they are materials that…

February, 2007

February, 2007

Our new President Bruce Berger began the meeting by announcing the news that all of the details for holding our Hands-On-Sessions at the Oxnard High School Woodshop have been ironed out thanks to the instructor Chad Meyring and the school principal.  There are 6 lathes in the shop and room for us to bring our…

January, 2007

January, 2007

The first meeting of 2007 will be our own member, Sam Turner who says, “I think I told Joe Levy that I would be talking about finishing tricks. Unfortunately there aren’t many tricks so I guess that’s a misnomer. However, the answer to finishing woodturning projects is to know and understand what’s available, whether it’s…