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“Even an old guy can do this”
Al G. – Hook tool
Ring tool
Bryan D. – Matt Monaco inspired plate
Dale Gertsch – Glendale club – Coin box
Jim W.
Avocado lidded box
Mary Lacer’s Vikings
Alan Lacer demo
Lacer boxes
Demonstrating gouge, scraper, and hook tool
Ring drives from Robust. These will slip if get catch
To show if sharp, edges will not reflect light
Burr from grinder
Pulling burr with carbide rod after honing with diamond card
Burr from pull – much finer
Lidded box in Osage – next project in hard maple
Basic blank layed out with tenons
Part with hacksaw to minimize waste/ maximize match
First establish size and shape of top/lid
Match size on bottom to fit lid
Calipers to get close
Refining fit
Going for a snap fit here
Form overall shape
Form top – tailstock removed
Refine thickness
Form beads with skew
Trim with roughing gouge
Hollowing base
Parting off
Now to finish bottom
Tenon to hold base
Finishing bottom with hook tool
Finished box in Maple
Metal grinder made from sanding pad
Hook tool blank off the grinder
Heat and bend to form hook
Mapp gas is hotter
Bending hot blade to form hook using pliers
Heat and quench in olive oil to heat triat
Grinding the edge of hook
Polish and reheat to temper – use oxide colors to judge heat – cool with water
Before and after
Awl made from wood from salvaged USS California from Pearl Harbor
Dimples created by compressing, cutting off excess, and steaming to relieve stress
Finally the skew demo
9/16 Osage jammed into morse taper
Making tops with skew only
To demonstrate the shoulder cut with skew