April 2023 – John O’brien
Meeting Information: Saturday, April 24 from 9:00 am to Noon Russ Babbitt: Making Lidded Boxes At Levi Mize Woodcraftsman’s Shop 162 Aviador Street #17+18, Camarillo, CA 93010 NOTE THIS IS A NEW LOCATION BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR OR SIT ON THE FLOOR The Club will be holding many of our meetings here thanks to Levi. …
Our featured demonstrator for the July meeting is Levi Mize. He has been our host for the monthly meetings for the past several years in his professional, custom cabinet shop. The large Vicmarc lathe in the shop is used for structural elements for his custom cabinets. Levi also is an accomplished turner of bowls and…
Note that our third Hands-On-Workshop for the year is on the 5th Saturday, one week later than our usual meeting day. As noted above in blue our agreement with the school and due to the AAW insurance policy that covers our activities only current members of the AAW will be allowed to use the lathes. …
The hands-on-turning session at the January 19th meeting was well attended with mostly our newer members wanting the chance to work with mentors on their turning skills. It is that time of year for new and continuing members to pay their club dues of $25 to treasurer Ron Lindsay. Please mail them to him or bring…
Presidents Letter Show & Tell It has been a couple of months since we have had a full Show & Tell, so bring your latest project to share at our 22 May meeting. Ventura County Fair Volunteers are needed to spearhead the Ventura County Fair effort. A team of at least two individuals is needed…