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July, 2007
Our featured demonstrator for the July meeting is Levi Mize. He has been our host for the monthly meetings for the past several years in his professional, custom cabinet shop. The large Vicmarc lathe in the shop is used for structural elements for his custom cabinets. Levi also is an accomplished turner of bowls and…
February, 2009
President’s Corner – Steve Leblanc Gallery event The AAW is encouraging local chapters to host a gallery event. I received a letter from Frank Amigo of the AAW board, and I want to present this suggestion to the general membership and see if there is any interest in doing this. I have been personally involved…
January, 2005
Meeting Information: Saturday, January 22 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Hands-on Workshop with Mentoring Program at Russ Babbitt’s: 4691 Calle Cancun, Camarillo 93012 Free Lunch provided to paid up members! Russ and Doug will be grilling again, plus salad and drinks. The December 4th, Third Annual Holiday Social at the Geller’s was again an…
August, 2003
Meeting Information: Saturday, August 23rd from 9:00 am to Noon Natural Edge Bowls: 101 at David Frank’s 166 Estaban Drive, Camarillo, CA 93010 (see below for more details about the meeting) At the July 12th meeting President Al Geller led us in a discussion of our experiences at the AAW Symposium last month. Thanks…
October, 2004
Meeting Information: Saturday, October 23, from 8 am to 4 pm Allan Batty: Special Demo ALSO Sunday, November 7, from 8 am to 4 pm Soren Berger: Special Demo Reservations required see below! Also note the early start times! At Levi Mize Woodcraftsman’s Shop 162 Aviador Street #17+18, Camarillo, CA 93010 Aviador Street is N….