Meeting Information: Saturday, March 27 from 9:00 am to Noon Hands-on Workshop at Russ Babbitt’s: Four lathes will again be available at Russ’s shop plus several different set-ups for sharpening turning tools. This is the second of three of these teaching sessions scheduled for this year. Come and take advantage of the one-on-one teaching. At…
Note that the November 17th meeting is one week earlier than usual due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Member Al Geller will demonstrate how he turns thin natural edge bowls. Al is an excellent demonstrator and accomplished turner so be sure to save the date. Election of officers for next year will also be held. Members…
Our new President Bruce Berger began the meeting by announcing the news that all of the details for holding our Hands-On-Sessions at the Oxnard High School Woodshop have been ironed out thanks to the instructor Chad Meyring and the school principal. There are 6 lathes in the shop and room for us to bring our…