Want to learn more about wood lathes and woodturning? A hands-on meeting is the perfect venue. Learn bowl turning, spindle work, woodturning tool sharpening, and more. CIW members can use the equipment. Everyone can watch, learn, and ask questions.
Outgoing Pres Joanne W. holds vote for 2018 officer slate
David F. took up challenge to make turnings from small pieces of wood
Pen and candlestick holder from laminated dyed wood
Jim R. has perfected technique of sealing wood with CA finish for wine goblets
Wormy Ceanothus
A multi-axis practice piece
Jim R. – Epoxy finishes
Ron L. showed his tools for making square bowls
Bruce B. made flask and stopper per Jimmy Clewes demo last month
Peggy A. now able to do own turnings for her basket projects
Peggy’s basket
Lorna M. with resin/wood bowl
Raffle items – Almond, Olive, Sycamore, segment kits, chop saw
The hands-on-turning session at the January 19th meeting was well attended with mostly our newer members wanting the chance to work with mentors on their turning skills. It is that time of year for new and continuing members to pay their club dues of $25 to treasurer Ron Lindsay. Please mail them to him or bring…
President’s Corner – Steve Leblanc Program Chair The Board is soliciting the membership for someone to volunteer for the position of Program Chair. As stated in our bylaws, the Program Chair, in consultation with the President and other officers, shall be responsible for coordinating the demonstration topics and logistics for regularly-scheduled meetings. We would like…
Per our agreement with the school, and due to the AAW insurance policy that covers our activities, only current members of the AAW will be allowed to use the lathes. Whether or not they plan to turn at this meeting, we strongly suggest that all members of Channel Islands Woodturners join the national AAW for the…
Meeting Information: Saturday, May 24th from 9:00 am to Noon Surface Decoration at Bob Pettit’s Bob will be teaching chip carving and other techniques. Remember to bring a chip carving or similar knife if you have one. The April meeting at Russ Babbitt’s was an outstanding success. After welcoming two guests, Howard Ford and Joe…