October, 2009
As noted above in blue, our agreement with the school, and due to the AAW insurance policy that covers our activities, only current members of the AAW will be allowed to use the lathes. Whether or not they plan to turn at this meeting, we strongly suggest that all members of Channel Islands Woodturners join the AAW for the many benefits including the excellent journal and the annual symposium. Non-AAW members are encouraged to attend the Hands-On and learn by watching. If you don’t have a lathe and are considering whether to pursue this hobby, we will link you up with one of our mentors and you can practice in their shop. Also see the mentor info on the Officers page.
Remember to bring your safety gear and also wood to turn, sandpaper, superglue, your turning tools (sharpened), and any finishes that you might want to use. The meeting will end at 1 pm with the last 20 minutes committed to cleaning up the shop (if you turn you clean!). Also we won’t be providing drinks, snacks or lunch so it is BYO.
At the regular meeting of the Channel Islands Woodturners on Saturday September 26, Steve Leblanc demonstrated the construction of a lidded vessel with finial. There was also an extensive Show and Tell session, so no raffle was held. For pictures of the meeting click here.
Terrell returned with another load of Black Acacia wood for sale.
AAW dues are now $48.00 and are due in January. They are increasing the number of magazine issues from four to six per year Remember that you can’t turn at a Hands-On day or at our booth at the VC Fair without being an AAW member.
New member – Michael Holowach of Newhall, CA.
President’s Corner – Steve Leblanc
Hands-On Session
Our Hands-On session is geared toward beginner/intermediate turners looking for some hands-on mentoring with our more experienced turners. If you would like to turn at our 24 October meeting at Oxnard High School, give me a call at 526-3840 or send me an email at sml.woodturner@att.net to reserve some time on one of the six lathes. We can also bring in more mini lathes if there is a demand for more work stations.
Super Raffle
We will be having our last raffle of the year at the October meeting. Some of the items we will be raffling off are: a Craft Supplies gift certificate, and various turning blanks of wood – species include Tasmanian Blue Gum, Vera Negra, Quina, and Black Acacia. There is also a Robert Sorby slim parting tool. During my demo last month, one of our club members asked how I made my tool handles. I will be donating a handled 5/16” square bit scraper which I will turn and assemble at the Hands-On and give to the raffle winner. If you have a nice piece of wood or rough-out you could donate, please do so.
Show and Tell
We will also be having our last show and tell of the year at the meeting. I want to thank everyone who brought something to share at the September meeting; the quantity of turnings – and most importantly the quality that was shown – was outstanding. The creativity and craftsmanship of the turnings was our best effort so far this year. Let’s do the same on the 24th.
Executive Board Meeting
All members are invited to attend the Executive Board meeting immediately after the Hands-On club meeting. If you have any suggestions, input or concerns, you are welcome to share them with the Board. It will be a lunch meeting at Rusty’s Pizza, 150 W. Vineyard Ave. in Oxnard, not far from Oxnard High.
Program Chair
The Board is soliciting the membership for someone to volunteer for the position of Program Chair. As stated in our bylaws, the Program Chair, in consultation with the President and other officers, shall be responsible for coordinating the demonstration topics and logistics for regularly scheduled meetings. We would like this position filled as soon as possible so that we can book some professional turners onto our 2010 calendar. If you are interested or have any questions about the position, give me a call or call our outgoing chairperson Joe Levy.
Clewes All-Day Demo
Jimmy Clewes will return for an all-day demo on 21 November. Please note that this date is not the regular meeting time – fourth Saturday of the month. Jimmy is a great demonstrator of considerable technical skill so don’t miss his presentation. You may reserve your spot anytime by mailing a check for $35 (members or $45 for guests/non-members) made out to Ron Lindsay (1795 Lyndhurst Ave., Camarillo, 93010). You may also RSVP to Ron by email.
Holiday Party
Mark 5 December on your calendars as this will be the Holiday Party at Al and Lynn Gellar’s home. A flyer will be mailed to all members with the details.
Regards, Steve