January, 2008
Note that our first Hands-On-Workshop for the year is on the 3rd Saturday, one week earlier than our usual meeting day. As noted above in blue our agreement with the school and due to the AAW insurance policy that covers our activities only current members of the AAW will be allowed to use the lathes. We strongly suggest that all members of Channel Islands Woodturners join the AAW anyway for the many benefits including the excellent quarterly journal and the annual symposium. Non-AAW members are encouraged to attend and learn by watching. If you don’t have a lathe and are just considering whether to pursue this hobby, we will link you up with one of our mentors and you can practice in their shop. Also see the mentor info on the officers page.
Remember to bring not only your safety gear but also wood to turn, sandpaper, superglue, your turning tools (sharpened) and any finishes that you might want to use. The meeting will end at 1 pm with the last 20 minutes committed to cleaning up the shop (if you turn you clean!) Also we will not be providing drinks, snacks or lunch so it is BYO.
At the regular meeting of the Channel Islands Woodturners on Saturday November 17th, officers were proposed and balloted upon. The previous year’s officers all agreed to continue for a second term with a few changes noted on the Officers page. There was a reminder that dues of $25.00 are due to the treasurer, Ron Lindsay, by the end of the year, the sooner the better. AAW dues of $45.00 are also due in January. Remember that you can’t turn at a hands on day or the fair without being an AAW member. President Bruce Berger let us know that Hartville tools will give club members a 20% discount from catalogue prices. Herm Ross offered his help to anyone interested in making tools. After the general meeting reminders Al Geller presented a demo on thin natural edge bowls. [Martha Etchart reporting]