November, 2006
Meeting Information: Saturday, November 18th
Hands-on Workshop with Mentoring Program
at Russ Babbitt’s
from 9:00 am to ?
with Lunch ($5 donation requested)
Bring your own tools and face mask so you can practice with your own tools and learn to sharpen them. If you don’t have any yet you can borrow ours. Note that the Club Lathe is ready for a new home.
Our October 14th meeting featured the all day demonstration by Linda Salter. The description and photographs are on the Salter 2006 demo page. Linda did an outstanding presentation that simplifies the understanding of a very complex process that produces beautiful segmented bowls. Thanks to President Martha for the write-up and to Ron Lindsay for editing the huge number of photos that documented each step. A CD with the photos and copies of her handouts will be in the club library.
At the November meeting we will hold our annual election of officers for next year. Past-president Al Geller has been the nominating committee and chief arm twister and is presenting the following slate of officers for consideration. Additional nominations can be made at the meeting with the consent of the nominee.
President: Bruce Berger;
Vice-President: Harvey Paskowitz;
Treasurer and Membership: Ron Lindsay;
Program Chair: Joe Levy;
Librarian: Russ Babbitt;
Newsletter and website: David Frank;
School and Club Mentoring programs: Al Geller.
All of these people need the help of many other club members to keep us organized, arrange and put on the meetings and demonstrations, coordinate and participate in the Ventura County Fair, and produce the write-ups and photos for the newsletter and website. As our club has grown to over 75 members we need to have additional members step forward and give assistance and prepare to become future officers, editors and website producers. As a totally volunteer organization we rely on the members to participate more than just show up for meetings.
Note that as announced at the October meeting, the executive committee (officers) has recommended that we increase the fee for our all day professional demonstratorsfrom $25 to $35 in order to cover increased costs. Our goal is to break even on these events not to make money. We usually have about 4 of this type of program each year and are making arrangements to add better sound and TV monitors so that the increased audience can better view the demonstration.
The membership dues will be kept at $25 and we encourage you to renew your membership for 2007 at the November meeting. Make your check out to Ron Lindsay not to CIW.
Its Party time! The annual Holiday Social potluck dinner for members and spouses or significant others will be on Saturday, December 9th starting at 5:00 p.m. We are again blessed with Lynn and Al Geller being our hosts. Due to the increased size of the club and based upon the number of people that attended last year and at the picnic this July, it has been decided that the club will rent chairs and a party tent to set up on Al’s patio. To cover this cost we are requesting that each person pay $7.50 ($15 per couple) in addition to bringing your potluck contribution. Car pooling is encouraged and parking shuttle service is being arranged. Members will receive more information by email and a phone call from Barbara Turner or Penny Eaton asking for your RSVP and potluck contribution. Be sure to respond promptly to your RSVP invitation so you aren’t left out.
The highlight of this party is our random gift exchange of a turned piece you have made [No purchased items please!]. Our members who are just beginning turners are encouraged to participate. You can make something that represents your current best effort and it will be appreciated [You can even make something at the November meeting!]. We all started as beginners. A door prize drawing for some of the pieces made by our demonstrators will also be featured.
Other than the Holiday Social party we do not have a regular meeting in December so the next regular meeting will be in January. The December newsletter will have the program schedule for 2007.