June, 2006

The second hands-on session in a row at Russ’s home at the May 20th meeting was again a great learning experience for our beginning turners, and lots of fun for those of us doing the teaching.  There is one more of these sessions scheduled for this year on Sept. 16th.  Photos from the meeting are below.  Tim Albers delivered another truck load of avocado wood so we need to get busy turning small bowls for Mission Produce.

The June 17th meeting will be back at Levi Mize’s shop and will feature Russ Babbitt demonstrating a wide range of surface decoration techniques.  We all know that Russ is a collector of turning related tools and in addition to being a master turner he has recently been experimenting with those related to surface decoration.


The debate of craft vs. art in the woodturning world goes on, but Russ shows that it is necessary to master the craft before you produce art.  And he does produce art!.

The California Contours 2006 woodturning exhibit at the San Luis Obispo Art Center continues through June 25th.  Your editor recently viewed the exhibit in May and it is excellent.  Approximately 50 pieces of ART from 42 woodturners aptly demonstrates that we have moved beyond being just a craft.  Contrary to previous information the pieces (while on sale) will remain on exhibit until the show closes.  Three of our members are represented: Russ Babbitt, Al Geller, and Jim Rinde!

This summer will be busy months for us.  The AAW Annual Symposium is from June 22-25 in Louisville, KY, July 8th is the Annual Picnic for our club members and spouses, and the July 22nd meeting features John Jordan here for an all day demonstration.  August 2-13 is the Ventura County Fair.  Russ Babbitt has already started signing up club members (must also be AAW members) to take turns at demonstrating in the booth we share with the Woodcarvers and Boat builders, and Joel Oksner is coordinating the booth set up with them.  Check out the web link at   VC FAIR where you need to click on Entry and then Home Arts to see the woodturning category (page 48) Division #345 which is the same as last year.

And on August 26th Stuart Batty will return for his second all day demonstration with us.  He was last here two years ago (Stuart Batty Demo 2004) and is an excellent teacher.

Russ with maple platter discussing surface decoration
Russ with maple platter discussing surface decoration
bottom of the platter 11" x 3" with decoration from Sorby's texturing tool
bottom of the platter 11″ x 3″ with decoration from Sorby’s texturing tool
Russ with Platter - Maple, 15" x 1 1/2" with coloring and pyrography
Russ with Platter – Maple, 15″ x 1 1/2″ with coloring and pyrography
Chuck demonstrating how to finish the bottom of a natural edge bowl
Chuck demonstrating how to finish the bottom of a natural edge bowl
Russ demonstrating spindle turning
Russ demonstrating spindle turning
James pefecting his spindle technique
James pefecting his spindle technique
Turning the inside of a natural edge green (wet) Red Gum bowl
Turning the inside of a natural edge green (wet) Red Gum bowl
Russ's Happy Platter
Russ’s Happy Platter
Russ's maple bowl
Russ’s maple bowl

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