April, 2005

Meeting Information: Saturday, April 16th, from 9 am to Noon

Art Waldinger: How to photograph you own work

At Levi Mize Woodcraftsman’s Shop

162 Aviador Street #17+18, Camarillo, CA 93010

Aviador Street is N. of the Camarillo Airport and is reached from the Central Ave. exit off of US 101: go S. and turn left on Ventura Blvd. then right on Aviador St.  About three-quarters of the way to the dead end, on the left is a long building.  Levi’s  shop is the last two doors on the left on the S. side of the building.  Please park directly in front of or behind his shop or against the curb on the N. side of the building and not in front of other shops.


At the March meeting we welcomed 4 new visitors who had seen the notice in the newspaper and welcomed John Knittle as our newest member.  Since we have had so many new members over the past year, president Al Geller had everyone introduce themselves and say a few words about how they got started and their current areas of interest within woodturning.  Al announced that the AAW has given us the Educational Opportunity Grant that he applied for to buy extra tools and chucks to go with the grinder and sharpening jig that the club has already  purchased for our mentoring program at Cabrillo Middle School.  We will be starting this semester, and additional volunteers are needed.  Give Al a call if you are interested.

We had a very interesting Show-N-Tell session with many entries for this month’s challenge of a turning under 3″.  David Frank and Bob Pettit were appointed judges by default (having not entered a challenge piece) and narrowed the choice down to 4 excellent pieces.  Three of them were withdrawn from competition by their makers, since they already owned a copy of the prize book (500 Wood Bowls), so Joel Oksner was named this month’s winner.  The challenge for April is a natural edge bowl.

The April program [Note that it is one week earlier than usual!] will be presented by member Art Waldinger.  Art is a professional photographer and master ceramic artist who has been attracted to woodturning.  He will be doing a hands on demonstration on how to take your own photos of your turnings that will have the quality to be published, submitted to a gallery, or more important to your editor be used on this website!  Bring your camera and up to five of your current or best liked woodturnings.  Art will teach us how to take the photos using natural light with a simple easily transported background and no elaborate equipment!  Your photos can be entered into the gallery section of the website which needs updating and additional representation.  Just because your work isn’t prime-time-ready for high-end gallery display, bring it anyway.  We want to show a progression of experience from beginners to advanced turners.  The purpose of our club is to teach and we have been remarkably successful in doing this.  Let’s show it in our gallery section!

The February demonstration by Al Geller was an excellent example of the depth of experience and knowledge among our own club members.  His Demo appears on a separate page in the  Projects  section with photos and descriptive text.  Al also gave out several handouts on sanding and finishing which you can get from him or the club library.

The Sunday after our last meeting Russ Babbitt held an informal demo at his shop on how to make pens. Three members attended. The planning was last minute, but the members who attended were satisfied with what they learned. If any other members would like a chance to learn how to make these craft items please email, or let Russ know at the next meeting.

Photos from the meeting:  below            Go to Geller Demo Page to see more

Al leading the meeting with some of his bowls visible
Al leading the meeting with some of his bowls visible
Show-N-Tell table
Show-N-Tell table
David and Bob judging the under 3" challenge
David and Bob judging the under 3″ challenge
Bob with his chip carved owl on turned platter
Bob with his chip carved owl on turned platter
Paulo with his mini-hat
Paulo with his mini-hat
Alan's Avocado Natural Edge Bowl
Alan’s Avocado Natural Edge Bowl
Joel and tauga nut hollow form
Joel and tauga nut hollow form
Jim with Douglas Fir and Red Epoxy Bowl
Jim with Douglas Fir and Red Epoxy Bowl
Stephen with a cocobolo and ebony lidded box
Stephen with a cocobolo and ebony lidded box
James with his lidded box
James with his lidded box
Jim with a natural edge bowl
Jim with a natural edge bowl
Two of Ron's thin-walled Star Pine bowls
Two of Ron’s thin-walled Star Pine bowls

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