September, 2004

Meeting Information: Sunday, September 19 from 8 am to 4 pm

Stuart Batty: Special Demo

Reservations required see below! Also note the early start time!

At Levi Mize Woodcraftsman’s Shop

162 Aviador Street #17+18, Camarillo, CA 93010

Aviador Street is N. of the Camarillo Airport and is reached from the Central Ave. exit off of US 101: go S. and turn left on Ventura Blvd. then right on Aviador St.  About halfway to the dead end, on the left is a long building.  His shop is the last two doors on the left on the S. side of the building.  Please park directly in front of or behind his shop or against the curb on the N. side of the building and not in front of other shops.


Reservations for the September, October, and November special demonstrations are required.  Each is $25 and includes lunch.  Contact Ron Lindsay to reserve your spot.  Only the first 45 people can be accommodated and members have first preference.  Members have Ron’s phone number and email address, and others should contact us via

The August 28th meeting at Russ’s home and shop was attended by over 20 members plus several guests, including member Dan’s wife, Tesi Halpert, an artist who works in metal sculpture.  Also welcome to Paul Brockway, our newest member.  Long time member, Les Merchant, announced that he would no longer be able to attend meetings on a regular basis since he is 94 years young.  Over the years Les has been a great contributor to the club, sharing his expertise in not only woodturning, but mechanical inventions and professional furniture manufacturing processes and finishing.  Les’s son and grandson are members and others have also volunteered to bring him any time he wants to attend.

President Jim Rinde announced that program chair Joel Oksner and member Paulo Marin have arranged for three very special demonstrations by Stuart and Allen Batty andSoren Berger over the next three months.  These changes are listed on the Schedule page and more details will be posted each month.  See above about reserving your spot ASAP.  All are world class teachers / turners and Allen Batty is apparently retiring and this will be his last demonstration in the U.S. Note that we will start these demonstrations promptly at 8:00 a.m. and will not have a business meeting!

Jim Rinde was the only one to bring this month’s challenge of weed pots to the meeting, and he announced that next month’s challenge is “no sandpaper finish”.  For the next three months we will have show-n-tell during lunch so as not to interfere with the demonstrations.  Also our current and past presidents will be the nominating committee to seek officers for next year.  Contact Jim, Al, or Sam if you are willing to be an officer and keep the club running smoothly.

Our main discussion this month was the excellent showing at the Ventura County Fair.  Al Geller and Sam Turner served as clerks for our judge Dan Hogan.  Dan is Vice-President of the Glendale Woodturners Guild and this is his second year judging for us at the Fair.  Al recorded Dan’s thinking as he judged the entries and reported on specific works that we had brought to the meeting.  Al also wrote a general synopsis of Dan’s comments and it appears on the Projects page.  This is an excellent essay on what a judge looks for when examining each entry.  We discussed using different definitions for the judging classes next year.  Al Geller, Sam Turner, Bernie Huberman, and Jim Rinde will work on this.  We would like to make the definitions clearer, broader, and at the same time keep the number down to a manageable number.

Separate pages contain photos and information from the 2004 Fair Booth  and the list of prize winners and photos.   Links to these can also be found on the Projects page.

Your webmaster and newsletter editor will be particularly busy for the remainder of this year and next, particularly with the large number of professional demonstrators that we have scheduled.  We are asking for volunteers to chose a particular program and to write a synopsis of what they observed and learned.  Photos will be provided and can be coordinated with your essay or done separately.  We will guide you through this process but need your help to keep our web page one of the best around.  Contact the editor or other officer of the club to offer you service.

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