November, 2004
Meeting Information: Sunday, November 7, from 8 am to 4 pm
Soren Berger: Special Demo
Reservations required see below! Also note the early start times!
At Levi Mize Woodcraftsman’s Shop
162 Aviador Street #17+18, Camarillo, CA 93010
Aviador Street is N. of the Camarillo Airport and is reached from the Central Ave. exit off of US 101: go S. and turn left on Ventura Blvd. then right on Aviador St. About halfway to the dead end, on the left is a long building. His shop is the last two doors on the left on the S. side of the building. Please park directly in front of or behind his shop or against the curb on the N. side of the building and not in front of other shops.
Reservations for the November special demonstration is required. The fee is $25 and includes lunch. Contact Ron Lindsay to reserve your spot. Only the first 45 people can be accommodated and members have first preference. Members have Ron’s phone number and email address, and others should contact us
Over 30 members and friends attended the special demonstration on October 23rd and were enthralled by the mastery of Allan Batty. It seems difficult to believe that after last month’s demonstration by Allan son’s Stuart, a demonstration could be any better. But it occurred. The two have totally different perspectives on woodturning. And while Stuart was apprenticed to his father and has subsequently gone in different directions, Allan represents and presented the tried and true methods that he learned, and latter taught, under the original British apprentice system. Allan speaks of “the way it was done in the Trade” with pride and a profound sense of history. Sam Turner has written a synopsis of Allan’s Demonstration and it is located along with photos on a separate page in the Demos section of the web site. This was an outstanding opportunity to learn from one of the best known and respected Master turner-teachers from England.
The November 7th demonstration will be by our friend from New Zealand, Soren Berger. This is Soren’s third visit with us and we learn something new each time. He is particularly adept at presenting information that is of immediate use for the beginning turner and always has something new to show to those with more advanced skills.
It is important to make reservations for Soren’s demonstration now; this Newsletter will barely be posted prior to Soren’s demo early in the month. Note that we will start these demonstrations promptly at 8:00 a.m. and will not have a business meeting!
As mentioned last month, President Jim Rinde called a meeting of the Officers for Sept. 29th. We sent an email to all members with the suggestions from the Nominating committee for officers for 2005. We requested additional nominations and none were received. Thus at the October meeting the election was held resulting in the following changes for 2005: Al Geller, President, and Martha Etchart, as Vice-President. All of the other officers remain unchanged.
Sam Turner presented the final recommendations for the new turning categories for the 2005 Ventura County Fair. There are only a few small fine tuning changes plus one new category:
- Bowl, Decorative
- Natural Edge: includes bowl, closed form, vase
- Goblet/ Vase
- Closed Form
- Lidded Box
- Miniature: under 3”
- Functional / Everyday Use
- Artistic: includes mixed media, carved or decorated
- Spindle Turning: also includes pens & wine stoppers
- Collection, 3-5 pieces
Note that the usual November 27 meeting has been cancelled. We will have the Annual Holiday Social on December 4th as planned, and members will receive separate invitations to this. It will again be a potluck at Al Geller’s and we will again to a gift exchange. Look at the October 2003 newsletter near the bottom to see how this worked last year and the Holiday Social 2003 page for all of the fun we had.