June, 2004
Meeting Information: Saturday, June 26 from 9:00 am Noon
Jim Rinde: Un-natural Edge Turnings
At the last moment this was postponed until next month. Instead Ron Lindsay presented a talk on the effect of grain orientation on turning bowls with wet wood.
At Levi Mize Woodcraftsman’s Shop
The May 22nd meeting was again held at Levi’s shop with special demonstrator Brad Stave, currently President of the Antelope Valley Woodturners Association. Our Vice-President Mike Mowrey capably led the meeting in the absence of most of the other officers who were away on vacation (They missed an excellent presentation by Brad but can look at the photos!). Plans for the members only Picnic on July 10th were announced, and Lynn Geller will be calling to organize the potluck. We greatly appreciate Lynn for taking on this task.
Sam Turner is again coordinating our participation in the Ventura County Fair. We will be sharing the booth with the Woodcarvers again and will likely need to help refurbish the counter top on July 19th at a work session. Note: that the entry dates for the fair are Wednesday July 21, and Saturday and Sunday July 24 and 25. This is a different pattern than last year. The fair itself runs from August 4 through 15. The categories for woodturning entries will be the same as last year.
As listed above President Jim Rinde will be the featured demonstrator for the June 26th meeting. Several of his Un-Natural Edge turnings can be seen on his Gallery page. Jim’s challenge for the July meeting is to make a “hollow form” turning. See the Lyle Jameison Demo page for examples of the extremes that this can be carried to. But simple examples in the reach of everyone are shown from last year’s fair winners Division 343 Class 3 photos.
Our demonstrator Brad Stave announced that their June meeting will be Sunday the day after our meeting and features Eli Avisera from Israel. Your editor had the pleasure of running the video camera during one of his demonstrations at the 2003 AAW Symposium. If you are interested in a world-class turner who makes beautiful intricate boxes and other objects this is not to be missed! Antelope Valley WoodTurners Monthly meeting, Sunday, June 27th – 9:00am – 3:30pm – Lunch will be provided – Cost – $25:00. Location: Brad Stave’s Home/Shop – Phone – 661-722-0854 – Directions can be found at www.AVWA.org – Please RSVP – Space is limited.
Thanks again to Tim Albers for bringing a truck load of freshly cut wood. This time it was orange (citrus) tree logs. This is a wonderful wood to turn, very dense and pale. Logs up to 5″ diameter seem to dry without splitting and larger diameters probably need to be split and sealed or turned wet.
The Challenge for this month was to make a lidded box. Below are photos of the eleven boxes that were made and a view of the audience from the demonstrator’s view point. Go to the Brad Stave Demo page to see photos of his presentation.